Pests > Pests Entities > Weeds > Rhynchosia/Proboscidea, Australia (interception)

Pests > Pests Entities > Weeds > Rhynchosia/Proboscidea, Australia (interception)

Pests Pests Entities Weeds Rhynchosia/Proboscidea, Australia (interception)

Seed pods, necklace

June 2005. These unusual looking seed pods were part of a necklace that was recently given by a person who came from Cuba, but they might have originated elsewhere. An identification was requested.

A report from CSIRO, Mexican Field Station: red and black seeds: Rhynchosia pyramidalis (Lam.) Fam. Fabaceae. Common name [in Mexico] ‘colorin’. Genus is pantropical.

This is an interesting reference: Farnsworth NR, Hess M, Fischer AE, Martello RE, Cammarato LV (1967) Medicinal folklore evaluation. I. Alleged androgenic and aphrodisiac action of pega palo (Rhynchosia pyramidalis). J Pharm Sci. 56(8): 967-70.

The dry fruit is Proboscidea fragrans ((Lindl.) Dcne.) Fam. Martyniaceae. The common name [in Mexico] is ‘Cuernito’ [trans. little horn] or ‘Torito’ [trans. little bull]. An important weed. Native to Mexico.

Another report by the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia CRC for Australian Weed Management identified the seed as Martynia annua or small fruit devils claw. The following species names are accepted synonyms for Martynia annua: Carpoceras angulata, Craniolaria annua, Disteira angulosa, Martynia angulosa, Martynia diandra, Proboscidea annua and Vatkea diandra.

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