November 2001. Is this Clerodendrum chinense ( Honolulu rose)? It was identified tentatively as such. Plants can be found is some isolated areas in Chuuk and Pohnpei. PestNet members were asked to confirm.
2. It is a major weed in (at least) Fiji, Samoa, Niue, and has possibly reached pest status in several other Pacific Island Countries. It’s in Pohnpei, where it is quite common and becoming invasive – if not already so. It is also present in the Cook Islands, but it may still be possible to eradicate it from there with a concerted effort. It is one of the 10 worst weeds in the Pacific.
3. In the past, in Samoa, there has been limited success in controlling it using systemic herbicides (e.g. Glyphosate; 2,4,5-T; 2,4-D; Picloram, etc.) when sprayed on new regrowth and just prior or during a dry period. In Samoa, it is recorded as Clerodendrum philippinum Schau. synonyms: Clerondendrum fragrans in the Weed Handbook of Western Polynesia by Art Whistler. However, in Wayside plants of the Islands by Art Whistler, it is Clerodendrum chinense. The current name is Clerodendrum chinense. C philippinum is a synonym. See PIER web site and CD for a list of commonly used synonyms for invasive plants of environmental concern in the Pacific (
4. Both Clerodendrum chinense and Clerodendrum paniculata are growing as weeds near villages along the east coast of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.