Pests > Pests Entities > Other mammals > Pigs, impact literature review, PNG & West Papua

Pests > Pests Entities > Other mammals > Pigs, impact literature review, PNG & West Papua

Pests Pests Entities Other mammals Pigs, impact literature review, PNG & West Papua

Impact of pigs

March 2004. Environmental impacts of pigs in the Pacific region.

In a recent publication, one chapter (13) briefly reviews some of the New Guinea (PNG and West Papua) literature on the impacts of pigs (domestic and feral) on various environmental zones (vegetation especially), and lists some of the material from the wider region.

Hide, Robin (2003) Pig Husbandry in New Guinea: A Literature Review and Bibliography. ACIAR Monograph No. 108. Canberra, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, xvi + 291 p. ISBN 1 86320 348 6 (print version), 1 86320 398 2 (electronic version)

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