Flea beetle Phyllotreta vittata, cabbage, Indonesia
August 2013. The flea beetle, Phyllotreta vittata, was found on cabbage in Indonesia and a question was asked on its economic importance.
The email was sent to the Australian Museum for comment. The reply said: “There is no such species as vittata – it is a junior synonym of striolata, presumably the member is referring to one of the striped species. There are a number of striped species of Phyllotreta, and to id any specimen it was be necessary to see a reasonably close up of the male, preferably the dissected genitalia”.
Later, another email from teh Australian Museum saying, “There is a Phyllotreta vittata which is a junior synonym of P. striolata. But I think the widespread species in SE Asia is undulata not striolata (at least this is true of the Pacific, NZ & Australia where only undulata occurs)”.
Phyllotreta species are transmitters of brassica viruses, so they are important. They also feed on weedy mustards, cresses etc, so field hygiene is useful.