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Pests Pests Entities Insects Ants, bees, wasps & sawfliesAnts Leaf cutting ants; are they in Pacific
Leaf cutting ants; are they in Pacific
June 2016. Are leaf-cutting ants from Atta spp. and Acronomyrmex spp. present anywhere in the Pacific?
Only Acromyrmex niger is recorded in Vanuatu. Atta species are not recorded in the Pacific/Australasia. It is recorded only in the US (Texas) and South America. ‘Antweb’ is a very useful online resource for information on ants.
HOWEVER, another member said that to his knowledge there are no Acromyrmex nor Atta species established in any Pacific country, including Vanuatu. Extensive fieldwork has been done in Vanuatu, including Santo, and no leaf cutting ants have been found. There is a mismatch in Antweb. The Esperitu Santo mentioned is a mismatch. It refers to Brazil.
Later, AntWeb has been alerted to the likelihood that their distribution for Acromyrmex in Vanuatu needs review, and bring to your attention two other useful websites on the matter: AntWiki and AntMaps Later still, the correct has been made.