Pests > Pests Entities > Birds > Weaver birds, identification, banana, Cameroon

Pests > Pests Entities > Birds > Weaver birds, identification, banana, Cameroon

Pests Pests Entities Birds Weaver birds, identification, banana, Cameroon

Weaver birds

June 2006. Weaver birds Cameroon. The identity of a small black bird, stripping banana leaves and other species for nest building material was requested.

Members thought that the damage to bananas, and the nests, looked liked that of the village weaver, Ploceus cuccullatus; this is recorded damaging bananas.

There are many references to weaver birds on the Internet, e.g.:,GGLG:2006-03,GGLG:en&q=weaver+birds, but an expert on the architecture of the nests is needed to determine which bird species it is.

Quelea quelea is a serious pandemic/outbreak pest in Africa, but generally is associated with grain crops, and is brown, not black.

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