July 2002. Fiji asked about Leifsonia, the new name for Clavibacter xyli susp. xyli and asked for information about this bacterium. At the same time Fiji asked about nematode galls and whether the formation of galls on sugarcane had anything to do with the reclassification. This was refuted by members as nematode galls are found on almost every crop, the result of different nematode species of nematodes, but mainly in the genus Melodogyne. As for the taxonomic question, the following was provided.
Leifsonia poae was proposed as a new genus and species for a bacterium isolated from nematodes on the grass Poa annua. The authors then found that their new bacterium was very closely related to some existing nematode-associated bacteria in Clavibacter. They thus proposed to transfer Clavibacter xyli subsp. xyli and subsp cynodontis to this new genus with the same subsp combinations.
See Evtushenko et al. 2000. Leifsonia poae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from nematode galls on Poa annua, and reclassification of ‘Corynebacterium aquaticum‘ Leifson 1962 as Leifsonia aquatica (ex Leifson 1962) gen. nov., nom. rev., comb. nov. and Clavibacter xyli Davis et al. 1984 with two subspecies as Leifsonia xyli (Davis et al. 1984) gen. nov., comb. nov. Int. J. Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 50, 371-380.
However, there is some doubt about priority because Suzuki et al. (1999) also proposed Leifsonia in the following paper:
Suzuki et al. (1999) Leifsonia gen. nov., a genus for 2,4-diaminobutyric acid-containing actinomycetes to accommodate ‘Corynebacterium aquaticum‘ Leifson 1962 and Clavibacter xyli subsp. cynodontis Davis et al. 1984.J.GEN.APPL. MICROBIOL. 45: 253-262.
However this is resolved Leifsonia is well based on chemotaxonomic data and is here to stay.