August 2001. The University of the South Pacific, Samoa, asked about institutions where insects could be sent for identification.
The following was supplied by members:
1. The collection of Pacific Insects made over the past 50+ years is held in trust at LandCare, Auckland. Landcare offers an identification service; contact:
Trevor K. Crosby Landcare Research Private Bag 92170 Auckland New Zealand email: [email protected]
2. The Australian National Insect Collection has some capacity for the identification of terrestrial arthropods in the region. They have expertise in specific taxa and should be contacted before sending specimens. The Identification and Advise Service is co-ordinated by Kimberi Pullen ([email protected]). More details can be obtained from
3. J. L. Gressitt Center for Research in Entomology, Bishop Museum, Hawaii:
Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice Street Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: 847.3511 Fax: 841.8968
4. Natural History Museum, Entomology Department
Entomology Department Natural History Museum Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5000