Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Insects > Distinguing Epilacna spp., Cook Is

Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Insects > Distinguing Epilacna spp., Cook Is

Pests Pest taxonomy/IDs Insects Distinguing Epilacna spp., Cook Is

Distinguishing Epilacna spp.

January 2000. In Cook Island, an Epilachna sp. attacks and breeds on Solanaceae crops which is thought to be E. vigintioctopunctata pardalis. Besides that there are adults of Epilachna sp. on cucurbits but no obvious damage. These beetles might be E. cucurbitae. However, the mounted adults from both host families look the same.

The question is there a way to distinguish between E. vigintioctopunctata pardalis and E. cucurbitae?

The identification of Epilachna is not easy. The species do have different patterns and you need to see them together to be sure of their identity. A specialist is needed! However, a useful reference is:Li, C.S. (1993) Review of the Australian Epilachninae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). J. Aust. Ent. Soc. 32: 209-224.

There was also a suggestion that E. cucurbitae occurs only on cucurbits and E. vigintioctopunctata pardalis is polyphagous.

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