Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Insects > Aulacophora sp., identification, cucurbits, CNMI

Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Insects > Aulacophora sp., identification, cucurbits, CNMI

Pests Pest taxonomy/IDs Insects Aulacophora sp., identification, cucurbits, CNMI

Aulacophora sp. NMI

January 2001. A Chrysomelid beetle sample from Tinian, CNMI, identified on PestNet as Aulacophora quadrimaculata. The host plant was loofa gourd/squash or patola. It has a yellowish color, with a black bar at the top and bottom of the forewing dorsum (one spot at the fore and aft of each forewing, left/right. The beetle is about 6-8 mm long.

PestNet members agreed that it looks like Aulacophora quadrimaculat, but because there is some similarity with other species such as A hilaris, it was thought sensible to look at the male genitalia of the beetle.

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