Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > HEAR Biocontrol website, Hawaii

Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > HEAR Biocontrol website, Hawaii

HEAR Biocontrol in Hawaii website

December 2009. Notification that HEAR’s Biocontrol in Hawaii website is now available online:

The purpose of the Biocontrol in Hawaii site is to provide publicly-accessible current information about biological control (biocontrol) in Hawaii, including current and historical research, and cross-referenced lists of target species and biocontrol agents.

A list of selected species targeted for biological control in Hawaii is resented, including the current status of each biocontrol agent:

Selected biocontrol target species in Hawaii and the current status of the biocontrol agents released or considered for release for each target in Hawaii are presented, along with links to supporting references. (For now, the scope of this site is limited to selected plant biocontrol targets; information about biocontrol of other organisms [e.g., insects] is not included, and only selected plant targets are covered.)

A request to members for suggestions how the website might be improved/expanded so as to make it more useful.

Pests Pest Management Biological control HEAR Biocontrol website, Hawaii

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