Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > Bioagents – insects > Soybean scale, Crypticerya genistae , Haiti

Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > Bioagents – insects > Soybean scale, Crypticerya genistae , Haiti

Soybean scale, Crypticerya genistae, Haiti

August 2012. Haiti is reporting an agricultural emergency following the infestation of Crypticerya genistae (soybeanscale), an invasive scaleinsect (Hemiptera:Margarodidae) that is destroying crops in the northeast of thecountry (affecting 10,000 ha so far). It is of concern that this outbreak could have a large food security and economic impact in the region with the risk of spreading throughout the country.

Are there any biopesticides/biocontrol agents known that provedsuccessful for Crypticerya genistaescale control?

In response, a member from the Ministry of Agriculture, Barbados, said that ladybird beetle Anovia circumclusa(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) gives excellent control ofthis scale. There is also a parasitic Phorid fly (found in Florida) that can give additional biocontrol. Both provide sustainable long term control. A. circumclusahas worked well in Barbados.

Pests Pest Management Biological control Bioagents – insects Soybean scale, Crypticerya genistae , Haiti

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