Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > Bioagents – insects > Mimosa invisa, psyllid biocontrol, Vietnam

Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > Bioagents – insects > Mimosa invisa, psyllid biocontrol, Vietnam

Pests Pest Management Biological control Bioagents – insects Mimosa invisa, psyllid biocontrol, Vietnam

Mimosa invisa, psyllid biocontrol, Vietnam

May 2013. I was understood that a non-indigenous insect: Heteropsylla spinulosawas introduced, reared and released to reduce the severity and extent of infestation of the non-indigenous weed M. diplotricha on Guam and the CNMI. M. diplotricha is a major pest of agriculture, pastures, wastelands, and roadsides.

At this time, this insect species is considered to be introduced into Vietnam for control of M. diplotricha weed; therefore, I want to know about this insect species is an invasive species in any countries/or regions in over the world ? If any one has this kind of information, please provide me or let me know as soon as possible.

A member wrote: There are many publications showing that H. spinulosa is host specific to Mimosa diplotricha (M. invisa). Follow the link to the historyof this psyllid biocontrol agent and its introductions to several countries:

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