Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > Bioagents – insects > Erythina gall wasp > Updating status Erythrina gall wasp, India

Pests > Pest Management > Biological control > Bioagents – insects > Erythina gall wasp > Updating status Erythrina gall wasp, India

Pests Pest Management Biological control Bioagents – insectsErythina gall wasp Updating status Erythrina gall wasp, India

Updating status Erythrina gall wasp, India

June 2013. What is the present status of Erythrina gall wasp across the world? A question asked by the indian Institute of Spices Research. Has the problem died down naturally, or was it due to any other factors?

There was no response. Pestnet has not heard from Hawaii after the release of Eurytoma erythrinae. There was a progress report in October 2009, summarised that Crops/Trees,palmspandanus/Trees/Erythina/EurytomaerythrinaeErythrinaspp,Hawaii . At that time, 4 years ago, things looked good with the spread of the parasitoid and the recovery of many Erythrina species.

A member from Samoa wrote, said he was in favour of saving the Erythrina trees. However, some people in the country believe that eliminating Erythrina could be the solution to combating the Fruit piercing moth menace in Samoa, and, hence, the Gall wasp could be a blessing in disguise. So there are different points of view. There have not been any plans to introduce the Gall wasp parasitoid into Samoa, and it’s not likely to happen in the near future. Surveys are needed to document the effects of the Gall wasp damage to the Erythrina trees in relation to the impact of the Fruit piercing moth.

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