March 2006. The links to EcoPort below are to PestNet contributions which have accumulated over the years.
For example, the hawkmoth relating to recent messages:
Yam hawk moth, T nessus****&entityDisplayCategory=full. Click on the photo icon and the photos from Palau (Miles J), the PestNet communication from June 2001:****&entityDisplayCategory=Photographs_With_Thumbnails
Select the header ‘Pictures’ and write ‘Pestnet’ in the keyword field (include thumbnails): You will be able to find 223 pictures up-to-date (this is not a complete list):
Examples for PestNet resources which have been made available in EcoPort
The following information provides a quick ???guideline??? – and links to selected resources in EcoPort.
Pictures: as mentioned above, 223 pictures to date ??? these photos including all their documented corresponding ???stories??? can be viewed at once through the following pathway: select <Pictures>-write ???PestNet??? in the keyword field (additional option: activate the ???include thumbnails??? box).
Interactive tables: As an excerpt from one PestNet report (KGA/PestNet Workshop on Slipery Kabis at Gwou???ulu, 26-28 January 2004) a table on ???Botanical sprays made from local materials??? in the Solomon Islands has been added to this tool (Pathway: <Resources>-<Interactive Tables=default sub-header>-write ???PestNet??? in the keyword field).
Entities: Many examples ??? one is the documentation of PestNet-emailed comments concerning the pro-and-cons of the use of Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides): Pathway: simply write any common, or the scientific name in the ???Entity – Basic Search??? field in EcoPort???s homepage; select ???Full record??? to view all available information; special reference for the above entity is made to the ???Notes??? section.
Another example is the information provided to the record of the Fruit Piercing Moth (Eudocima fullonia) under Mat Purea’s authorship.
Projects: A project summary of the FAO-PestNet project (PestNet FAO-TCP: FAO/RAS/2909), including established links to participant???s respective organization or institution/ministry has been added to EcoPort???s ???Projects??? database (Pathway: <Resources>-<Projects>- write for instance ???PestNet??? in the ???keyword??? field to get to this particular project (
Alerts: One alert which was placed in EcoPort, but also referred to in PestNet???s email group was on the ‘Late Blight outbreak on potato in Papua New Guinea’. In a similar manner, any relevant alert can be placed by any registered EcoPort/PestNet user (Pathway: <About EcoPort>-<News and Events>. Here one can select and/or ???Add event???. Another pathway to ???add an event??? is: <Workshop>-<Help Wanted>-<Contribute Info>).
Contacts: A direct link to the PestNet Website and background information on PestNet has been added to EcoPort???s ???Contact??? database section: (Pathway: <Resources>-<Contacts>-write ???PestNet??? in the ???Name??? – field).
Annotations: Several email correspondences in PestNet???s ’email-yahoo-groups-list serve’ have been documented in EcoPort either as e-annotations (=if the comments/information refer to one specific record), or as n-annotations (=if the circulated remarks refer to a group of entities, e.g. an insect-family and all its corresponding species, etc.).
An example for an e-annotation was, for instance, the documented correspondence on ‘How to control the long-tailed-macaque’ (Pathway: type ‘long-tailed macaque’ into EcoPort???s ???Search for entity with??? field (=homepage). A click on the active ???e-annotation??? icon (left-hand box) opens this documented PestNet-information).
One example for an n-annotation was for instance the documented correspondence on ‘How to combat Bat Nuisance’, which is relevant for all species of the bat family (Pathway: type ‘bats’ or its scientific name ‘Chiroptera’ into the ???Search for entity with??? field. A click on the active ???n-annotation??? icon takes the user to all documented PestNet-correspondences on that subject matter; the ‘Subject’ field shows all other entities to which this information was linked as well).
[Background information about ‘Associations’ and the two types of ‘Annotations’ is provided at several corresponding sites within EcoPort, such as through this overview: and this EcoPort reference (= Reference ID 554746)].