Crops > Vegetables > Tomato > ?Bacterial canker, Fiji

Crops > Vegetables > Tomato > ?Bacterial canker, Fiji

Crops Vegetables Tomato ?Bacterial canker, Fiji

?Bacterial canker, Fiji

July 2008. Pictures of a disease of tomato from Fiji were sent for identification.

It was thought to be bacterial canker. A link to information on the Internet (University of Cornell) was given:

The possibility of it being viral was also mentioned, and a series of questioned asked (this indicatres how careful members should be when sending requests of plant disease identification – the more information the more likely a diagnosis can be made): Are there any foliar symptoms? Any puncture wounds to the fruit, which might indicate fruit piercing moth damage? Are many fruits affected or just one or two?

The CABI Plant Clinic offered to look at samples: [email protected].