Samoa wished to know more about the taro introduced from the Philippines after the outbreak of taro leaf blight in 1993. The taro variety had the code name PSB-G2. Also, why does this variety display symptoms of taro small bacilliform virus, far more so than other cultivars in Samoa.
It was suggested that contact be made with the Philippines Root Crop Research and Training Centre, Visayas State College of Agriculture, Baybay, Leyte, where the national root crop collections are maintained. PSB-G2 was sent to Samoa in 1993 or thereabouts because of its blight resistance. Two other varieties (PO-62 and PO-66) were also sent, but were never tested in Samoa, although they are probably still in tissue culture with MAFFM.
In reply to the question about why the PSB-G2 shows symptoms of virus, there are several possibilities: a) it is possible (most likely) that PSB-G2 came infected with the badnavirus (that could be checked if tissues cultures from the original importation are still there); b) symptoms of the virus are more obvious because of the purple leaf colour of PSB-G2 (unlikely); c) it is more susceptible to the virus than local varieties.