May 2011. In recent years the mite, Rhizoglyphus has been designated a quarantine pests for taro entering the New Zealand market.
In a post to Pestnet in 2003 () this was said:
Later, in August 2003, it was reported that an expert at Landcare, New Zealand, had done a full revision of the genus Rhyzoglyphus and will be publishing it shortly. R. minutus is the mite that has been found on imports of taro entering Australia and New Zealand.
The question asked was whether the revision of hte taxonomy of this mite has been published and whetherr it made any difference to the quarantine regulations
Part of the revision of Rhizoglyphus can be found at: According to the New Zealand Biosecurity Organisms Register for Imported Commodities (BORIC) website: taro mite, Rhizoglyphus minutus, is not a quarantine pest (regulated organism) for New Zealand.
The full text of the paper can be found at: The current New Zealand requirement for taro is a Phytosanitary Certificate validating that the consignment of taro: “been inspected in accordance with appropriate official procedures and found to be free from any visually detectable quarantine pests, specified by the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.” |