Crops > Roots & tubers > Cassava > Root inclusions – ?Nutrient deficiency, Fiji

Crops > Roots & tubers > Cassava > Root inclusions – ?Nutrient deficiency, Fiji

Crops Roots & tubersCassavaRoot inclusions – ?Nutrient deficiency, Fiji

Nutrient deficiency

May 2005. A farmer from Taveuni (who is also a processor), has cassava with fibrous inclusions within the root tissues. Although the photo here only shows one, he says that often there are two or three inclusions in the tuber. There appears to be no exit/entry points, the fibres are totally discreet within the tuber.

For processing (freezing), the inclusions have to cut them out, and this is very wasteful. The farmer is now losing a lot of roots.

The farmer knows that there is zinc deficiency in the area, so he added zinc, but the problem has not changed. He is now wondering about boron. The problem is worse in rocky soil.

The reference book for nutrient problems in cassava is: Asher CJ, Edwards DG, Howeler RH (1980) Nutritional disorders of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Dept. of Agriculture, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld.

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