Crops > Ornamentals > Desmodium > Fungus on clover, Solomon Islands

Crops > Ornamentals > Desmodium > Fungus on clover, Solomon Islands

Crops Ornamentals Desmodium Fungus on clover, Solomon Islands

Fungus oon clover, Solomn Islands

May 2016. A member sent a photo of his clover (Desmodium triflorium) that had dead or dying plants in a wide circle. In the early morning there was a clear wide margin to the area of decay.Could members say what was causing the problem and how can it be prevented.

There were several suggestion as to what might be causing the problem:

(i) Sclerotinia; this fungus produces sclerotia
(ii) Rhizoctonia
(iii) Athelia rolfsii; another fungus that produces sclerotia; balls of fungus, 203 mm diameter, at first white later brown.
(iv) Pythium

Scleotinia has not been recorded in Solomon Islands. Rhizoctonia on Desmodium species is common.

As for control: either dig a trench in front of the plants with decay – but be careful not to drop soil onto healthy parts of the clover, or use a fungicide, and captan and thriam were recommended.