Crops > Grains > Rice > Planthopper, rice, Punjab, India

Crops > Grains > Rice > Planthopper, rice, Punjab, India

Crops GrainsRicePlanthopper, rice, Punjab, India

Planthopper, rice, Punjab, India

October 2016. From an Agricultural Development Officer, SBS Nagar Punjab, India. Now the paddy crop is ripening in Punjab, but late maturing varieties like Pusa 44, Pr122, etc are under attack by planthoppers. Weather with moderate temperature and humidity increases the breeding of this insect. Farmers are spraying their crop but no satisfactory results.

A moderator suggested looking at extension information from IRRI, and then a Principal Scientist )Entomology), Directorate of Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, wrote to Pestnet suggesting the ADO write a letter to the Director IRRI India to arrange a visit. Let’s hope all went well.

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