August 2004. A question from Indonesia quarantine on the identification of the following viruses:
1. Maize streak Virus (MSV); 2. Rice Streak Virus (RSV); 3. Grass Stripe Virus or related to grasses; 4. Papaya Ring Spot Virus.
Information was provided on Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) primers, obtained from the the Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
They use primers MB11 and MB12A for PRSV, and they give an approx 900bp product in the coat protein from a wide range of isolates.
These sequences have been published in:
Bateson MF, Lines RE, Revill P, Chaleeprom W, Ha CV, Gibbs AJ, Dale JL (2002) On the evolution and molecular epidemiology of the potyvirus Papaya ringspot virus. Journal of General Virology 83, 2575-2585.
Bateson MF, Hendersen J, Chaleeprom W, Ha CV, Gibbs AJ, Dale JL (1994) Papaya ringspot potyvirus: isolate variability and the origin of PRSV type P (Australia). Journal of General Virology 75, 3547-3553.