Crops > Fruits & nuts > Papaya > Crown damage, Tonga
Crops Fruits & nuts Papaya Crown damage, Tonga
November 2007. Tonga requested the identification of three insects consistently found in samples collected from papaya: two diptera (top & middle, left) and one moth (middle, right). Top, left specimen is approx 5-6mm in length, whilst the second diptera specimen (top, right) is 10mm. The moth is approx 6-7mm in length
Symptoms initially occur on the trunk between the fruit and the crown.
Most of the infested trees were completely defoliated due to damaged crowns.
The moth (middle, right) is probably Opogona trissostacta (TINEIDAE); see expanded image at:
The first diptera (top) might be related to Limnophora mesolissa; see expanded image at:
The second (middle, left) is probably Cephalochrysa maxima; see expanded images at: