Crops > Fruits & nuts > Guava > Mealybugs, Guava, Gujarat, India
Crops Fruits & nuts Guava Mealybugs, Guava, Gujarat, India
Mealybugs, Guava, Gujarat, India
June 2014. A mealybug on a Guava tree in Gujarat, India. An identification was requested.
It was said to be the mealybug commonly known as the mango mealybug, Drosicha mangiferae. It is a polyphagous sucking pest and also exudes honeydew which results in blackening of foliage. The best way to manage it is too tie the trunk region with alkathene band (30cm wide plastic) at about 1/2-1 metre above the base. It will not allow the bugs to crawl up and the congregated bugs can be killed. The best time to install it is in December-January when the nymphs starts crawling. The eggs are laid in the soil in sacs somewhere in June-July and can be killed by exposing them to sun or mixing insecticides in the soil. The branches should not touch the ground and also the branches of adjoining trees should not touch each other.