
This Archive contains two separate types of information.

First — Summary of Past Discussion on PestNet

First is the summary of past discussions on PestNet that we think are worth keeping.

It is an edited record of messages that were submitted to PestNet over the 20 years since PestNet began in 1999.

During that time a large database was created which has been summarised in its current form. 

Links to the original messages from members on which this database is based no longer function as Yahoo Groups was closed in December 2020. 

Second — Blog Posts: Tales of the Pacific

Second, we thought to record stories that are uniquely about pests and diseases of crops important to Pacific island countries.

We start with two stories:

In their separate ways, these two stories ask questions about how the region is coping with pests and disease. Is progress being made, or not? 

You are very welcome to add your own stories. If you would like to submit a plant protection story relevant to the Pacific region, please send us a note via the â€˜Contact Us’ facility on the main menu.