Pests > Pests Entities > Insects > Ants, bees, wasps & sawflies > Wasps > Pediobius ex Promecotheca, Solomon Is
Pests Pests Entities Insects Ants, bees, wasps & sawfliesWasps Pediobius ex Promecotheca, Solomon Is
Pediobius, Promecotheca, Solomon Is
July 2010. An SPC entomologist, Fiji, is seeking the identity of a larval parasite (less than 2 mm) of the coconut leaf miner (Promecotheca opasicollis) collected from the Santa Cruz islands, Solomon Islands.
A member wrote saying that it is hard to tell from these pictures, but this is almost certainly a Eulophidae – possibly a Pediobius species (and there is one species of Pediobius, P parvulus, which has been reared from this host). An offer to identify the parasitoid was made.