Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Identifications & databases > HEAR database, Hawaii

Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Identifications & databases > HEAR database, Hawaii


The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project’s mission is to provide technology, methods, and information to decision-makers, resource managers, and the general public to aid in the fight against harmful alien species in Hawaii and the Pacific Basin.

The HEAR website ( may contain information which is valuable to PestNet members. Additionally, the Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) project is affiliated with HEAR, with a website ( containing information specifically about alien invasive plant species in the Pacific Islands (including excellent writeups for particular island groups). Version 3 was released in 2002.

Images are now available for many plant species via the online at HEAR species information pages (in large part due to the work of Jim Space of the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk project. For the list of plant species for which HEAR has species information pages, see:

A new edition of PIER was produced in 2006. The new edition of the Pacific Island Ecosystem at Risk (PIER) website on invasive plants of the Pacific islands has been posted at This edition has several significant improvements:

PIER now contains profiles of 1270 plant species, over 3000 photos and images, and over 600 risk assessments to aid in identifying and evaluating invasive plant species of concern to the Pacific region.

There are tables of species by location (country/territory/state, island group, and island) for all such entities where there are sufficient data. These tables, of course, have hyperlinks to the profile pages for the individual species. See Of course, the information on PIER is only as good as the supporting data and if known species are not listed for any location, please contact

There are tables of common names by language. See

Over 5000 herbarium records from the Bishop Museum have been added to the location data. In many cases these records document locations not found in the literature.

Global Compendium of Weeds website (

You can select to search alphabetically by FAMILY or alphabetically by GENUS, without having to load the entire species list. The Global Compendium of Weeds website previews information in an upcoming publication tentatively entitled “A Global Compendium of Weeds” by Rod Randall (Department of Agriculture of Western Australia [AgWest]). It contains references to approximately 20,000 plant taxa, citing information about “weedy” characteristics of each. The website is a collaborative venture between AgWest (data & weed expertise) and the USGS’ Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) (database consultation & website management). Also online is the current draft of the introduction to the book, which includes information about how to interpret the information presented at this website.

PestNet members are encouraged to visit these sites, use the information provided, and send an email to if help is needed.

There is a link to PestNet at PestNet members may also be interested in joining relevant HEAR-sponsored lists (see

If you need help on an ID, plants in particular, SCAN the leaves (or take a high-quality digital photo, or a scan of a photo or slide) and submit it to HEAR (email above) for inclusion on the HEAR “Mystery Plants” page ( No reason it can’t be used for plant pathogens, as well!


Pests Pest taxonomy/IDs Identifications & databases HEAR database, Hawaii