Pests > Pests Entities > Insects > Aphids, Planthoppers & Bugs > Scutellerids, Lagunaria, Bondi, Sydney, Australia

Pests > Pests Entities > Insects > Aphids, Planthoppers & Bugs > Scutellerids, Lagunaria, Bondi, Sydney, Australia

Pests Pests Entities Insects Aphids, Planthoppers & Bugs Scutellerids, Lagunaria, Bondi, Sydney, Australia

Scutellerids, Lagunaria, Bondi, Sydney, Australia

January 2012. Jewel beetles were seen in large numbers on Lagunaria, a tree planted alongside streets in the Bondi Junction suburb of Sydney. An ID was requested. The bugs feed on the seeds of the mature fruits as well as those that are still green (right).

A member replied: The bug certainly is a Scutellerid and is almost certainly Tectocoris diophthalmus (Thunb.) – (common name Harlequin Bug). A common bug found on all manner of Malvaceae – including ornamental Hibiscus species and cotton. It is regarded as a cotton pest as it can damage the bolls. The host plant (figured) Lagunaria patersonii (also known as the Norfolk Island hibiscus) is in the Malvaceae.

These bugs take many colour forms with the adults from orange to red to blue. The bugs in the photo are nymphs, not adults. One of the interesting things about this bug is that the adult female often remains with the eggs and nymphs for a little while after the nymphs emerge.

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