Pests > Pests Entities > Fungi > Papaya wilt, ?Phytophthora, Samoa

Pests > Pests Entities > Fungi > Papaya wilt, ?Phytophthora, Samoa

Pests Pests Entities Fungi Papaya wilt, ?Phytophthora, Samoa

Papaya wilt, ?Phytophthora

November 2004. A papaya farmer in Samoa has a problem with the yellowing of 1-2 months old papaya seedlings after transplanting to the field. What could be the cause? It was said the draniage is not good. The seedlings are less than a metre high, with the bottom 1-3 leaves yellow and the rest still green. When the wilted plants were dug up, the roots were found to be rooten. the land is waterlogged, and there are also fau (Hibiscus tiliaceus) trees surrounding the area. These trees have been associated with Pythium on taro in Samoa.

The same condition was also reported in Fiji where there are shallow soils over soapstone, compared to soils over limestone.

From the description of yellowing and quick death of seedling, the most probable reason seems to be root rot, caused by Phytophthora, Pythium or Fusarium species. Examination of a few roots of recently dead seedlings will enable confirmation.

North Queensland has experienced heavy losses when planting seedlings into wet weather in summer. Either plant coming into the dry/cooler period or plant seeds and thin out later. There are fewer losses with direct planting. Hilling up is useful. Also, avoid filling the gaps immediately, but dig up the planting holes, and expose the soil to the sun, allowing it to dry up completely. A well drained soil and good field sanitation are important to avoid recurrence.

The experience iin Darwin, Northern Territory was somewhat different: There the wilt does not appear to be associated with a fungus. Papaya growing near concrete thrive in contrast to others that yellow and dieback in the absence of concrete. In other words, this condition responds to calcium in the tropics. This is a physiological disease.

To differentiate between the drainage suggestions and calcium deficincy, it was recommeneded to do the following:

Drainage: Construct drainage canals between rows. Made the drain one foot outside teh drip circle.

Calcium: Apply lime or gypsum around the plants. As Ca does not easily move in the soil, it should be brought as close as possible to the root system, without damaging the roots. Place it in area where roots will grow towards it. If the problem is on inland volcanic soil, then it’s unlikely to be a nutrient problem. If its on the coast on coral rubble then nutrients, particularly iron deficiency, could be an issue.

Work through the options: Look at other plant species in the vicinity. Do they have nutrient deficiency symptoms? Are there any pawpaw growing wild there? Are they healthy? Did all the plants go yellow at once or did they drop one by one? If they all went wrong at the same time then it probably is not a root rot as root problems tend to be more ‘hit and miss’ in the block. Did the grower apply any weedicides in the area? For example, Roundup drift onto young pawpaw plant could be very damaging. If there is no obvious solution from that angle isolate from the roots onto selective medium to see if Phytophthora or Pythium is there. Use the CARP selective medium. The most common Phytophthora on pawpaw in the Pacific is P palmivora in roots and as a white rot on the fruit and stems of older plants.

There was also mention of the potentail of bioagents, Trichoderma harzanium, and T. viride.

It was also said that a Phytoplasma disease occurs in papaya in Australia. It was not thought likely that the wilted plants in Samoa were suffering from this disease, but it is worthwhile considering it, if only to eliminate the possibility. The phytoplasma thought to be causing papaya dieback belongs to a group currently called the Stolbur group (16SrXII; it is a serious disease in both Australia and New Zealand.

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