Crops > Ornamentals > Adenium obesum > Adenium obesum, Samoa

Crops > Ornamentals > Adenium obesum > Adenium obesum, Samoa

Crops OrnamentalsAdenium obesumAdenium obesum, Samoa

Adenium obesum

November 2001. From Samoa, a question about a plant said to be “desert rose”. The stem is naturally “soft” and similar (in “softness” and look) to that of Plumeria (frangipanni/ bua/ pua). The infected plant is 20 years old and has been cut back to 1 meter. The problem was started by people cutting a part of the stem away – to try and grow in their own gardens. The flowers are beautiful.

The plant was identified as (probably) a species of Adenium, possibly Adenium obesum. The native distribution of these plants is from the Arabian Peninsula through the drier parts of Africa. They are adapted to very dry conditions. They do grow successfully in the more humid tropics, but do best in regions with a definite dry season. A reference book comments “…they are very prone to rotting and require a gritty, well-drained soil”.

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