Crops > Fruits & nuts > Breadfruit > Breadfruit fruit disease, FSM

Crops > Fruits & nuts > Breadfruit > Breadfruit fruit disease, FSM

Crops Fruits & nuts Breadfruit Breadfruit fruit disease, FSM

Breadfruit fruit disease, FSM

April 2016. An image of a breadfruit fruit with a large lesion, taken in Pohnpei, FSM. What is the cause? Is it Phytophthora?

Questions were asked:

(i) There appears to be poor foliage: what is the state of the tree?
(ii) How widespread is the condition?
(iii) One member thought it was Phytophthora and suggested looking under a microscope to see if there are spores. (Editor: spores are not obvious, and unlikely to be Phytophthora. More likely to be fruit fly or other damage and then a secondary fungal rot.)
(iv) Sunscald was suggested to be the cause, followed by secondary fungal infections, due to loss of leaves caused by the drought.

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